What do I know???
My New Year's
This New Year's, me, my sis, my mom and my dad are going to some old friend's of ours. They have two little kids. There's going to be another couple there with there two children aswell. Like always I will be the oldest . Sometimes being the oldest always makes feel BLUH! Oh..Well I just have to have fun! I think that we're going tabbogganning aswell but I'm not sure.
My Day
Today I slept over at my Grandma's house!!! YEAH!! Her 2 dog's went psycho. I have this laser kinda thing and when I flash it one of her dog's go crazy tryin to catch it. My friend Moodison is over right now
. I went to her house for a while earlier then we went out for lunch. Now she's here with moi and my sis. I wish she could sleep over. My sis is goin CRAZY!! Cause she REALLY wants to do the potter's wheel. But me and Moodison want to go exersize. And lose all of our fattening fat. U know? The fat that makes us look hot, sexy and fat. hahah... 

luv alwayz and foreverz
New Year's poem
Never the same year in a row
Every year's different
Work? No!!!!
Yell happy new year at midnight
Every New Years do the count down
Always January first
Random day every year
My Instrument
For science, over Christmas break, I have to make an instrument. It has to produce at least 3 sounds. It also has to make a high quite sound a high loud sound a low quite sound and a low loud sound. I'm not looking forward to making it. My mom says I should make wind chimes. But than again, a guitar sounds fun. But the wind chimes are the easiest. I think. Hmmmm...that's a tough one. Oh well I'll think of something. Last year when I found out that this year I'll have to make an instrument I was so happy. But now I'm dying to get it over with. Hopefully the teacher that's marking it, marks nicely and doesn't look for details. Hey...I just got a pottery wheel so maybe I can make on that!! Just kidding.
My Day
Today I did nothing but sit at home. I just got to my Grandma's house. I'm sleeping over tonight. So now you know that my day was very boring.
A Chanukah acrostic
If you look at the post called Christmas acrostics, it will show how to make an acrostic and about an acrostic. That acrostic is about Christmas but this acrostic is about Chanukah, a jewish holiday.
Celebrated for 8 nights
Homeland is commonly Jerusalem
Also spelled "Hannukah"
Not always a winter holiday
U spin the driedels
Kosher meals
Army of "Maccebees" fought for freedom
Ohhh....my god!!
I'm sooooo lucky!! For Christmas I got tickets to go to the Hilary Duff concert!! It will be radical!! I hope she sings:
So Yesterday
My Lips are sealed
Let the Rain Fall Down
Here are some sites of Hillary Duff
Christmas acrostics
An acrostic is when you chose a noun or a name or a holiday or something like that. You spell your word vertically. Lets say you chose the word CHRISTMAS. It would be spelled like the diagram 1 (shown below). Than on the first letter, (for this acrostic it's C) you explain your word that you have chosen with the first word in the sentence starting with the letter of your word. You write the sentence beside the letter. You than do that for all of the rest of the letters.
While you're choosing your word, you should chose a word that you know lots about or a word that you can atleast describe.

diagram 1:
Here is an example of an acrostic:
Carolers caroling at doors.
Homes decorated beautifully.
Religous time.It's a time to celebrate Jesus
School's out!Time for happiness.
Mmm....food's delicous!Awesome gifts!
Santa Claus is coming to town!
My Last Day Of School
Today was my last day of school!! We didn't do really any work!! At the end of the day we went to the gym and sang Christmas songs. It was a radical day!! AT last recess we got popcorn!! It was delicious!! This might not have been alot to say but we didn't do much!!
At school we're studying different ways different countries celebrate Christmas. We studied France, Australia, Mexico, Isreal, Africa, and others. It's reallly FUN!! First we talk and read about what they do celebrate. Than our teacher gives us a paper that has tons of information. But there's blanks. Our teacher than puts the words to fill in the blanks on the blackboard, and we start filling the blanks in. We usually have to draw a picture of what the paper talks about. Next I think we're going to study up on Ukrain. Cause we already know a bit about how they celebrate Christmas.
My day!!
Today at school my whole afternoon was in the gymnasium practicing the Christmas concert. I have to be on stage for 3 of the songs. I can't wait till the day of the Christmas concert. I really got to go my dog's screammming!!!
All about my TOTALLY RADICAL day!!
Today was GREAT!! I don't know why. For gym we were supposed to go outside. But it was too cold out so we ended up staying in the classroom and our gym teacher came to our classroom. He read us a book. And we played heads up 7 up. It was totally FUN!! And we had a practice for our Christmas concert. Now I have to be on stage for 2 of the songs. Ohh...well.
My day today...
Today we got to practice the Christmas concert. And we read this book about why the candy cane is a symbol of Chistmas. It's a symbol because when you put it upside down it's a "J" for Jesus. And when it's the right side up it looks like a shepards staff.
Today at school we made "luminaries". They're little candles in bags held down by a bit of sand. We go to decorate the bags. The mexicans put them on the path to show Mary and Joseph the way.
My day today..
Today was my Grandma's & Grandpa's anniversary. They got to go out for supper. Lucky them!! We had such a GREAT supper, we had casseroles but it was mushroom soup, vegetables and stuffing on the chicken. Our Christmas tree is SO decorative. Most of the ornaments are stuff i made like in kindergarten and preschool. We have SOOO much lights on it. I just about got glass stuck in my foot, cause i stepped on a bulb and broke it. But luckily it didn't hurt.
Today we finally finished putting the christmas tree up. At first we wern't going to put it up, because our house wasn't sold yet. But now that it's sold, we can decorate. Yeah!!
Today was AWESOME!!
Today I went to my cousins birthday party!! She's turning 4. At her party the cake was in the shape of a bear cause her party was Teddy Bear Picnic theme. We had such a GREAT time!!Right now I have the music turned up SOOOOOOO loud!! It's Awesome!! I'm SOO glad, cause finally our house is SOLD!! We're not moving till around April.
If you don't know, you can click on comments under the post you want to comment on and write a comment!!
Today I...
Today I had one of my fav days of the world!! I don't know why, probably because my teacher is the coolest!! She is SO lucky!! She gets to go to the Simple Plan concert!! I found out what part I got it the Christmas concert. I don't really have a name in the show.