What do I know???
Hello............Blogger friends
Hello...............Blogger friends...!!! Well today is the starting of the weekend. Yippeeeeee!! (Well to me after 4:00 on Friday is considered the starting of the weekend.)
Sorry I haven't been writing for the longest time......(this time of the year is always so busy for me.)
I got this e-mail and it has this quiz to see which cartoon character you're most like......Well I'm most like Snoopy:
I am fun, I am very cool and popular. I always know what's in and I am never out of style. I am good at knowing how to satisfy everyone else. I have probably disappeared for a few days more than once but I always come home with the family values that I learned. Being married and having children are important to me, but only after I have had my share of fun times.
And that's EXACTLY what it said!!!
But the part about the children and marriage is wrong....I really don't care if I get married.....Or..... Have children.
A while ago I went to the Hillary Duff concert. It was pretty awesome!!! Wait....Did I just say It was pretty awesome? Ok well than.....Let me rephrase myself......It was the most awesomest thing EVER!!!!!!! I usually won't say this but.........After the Hilary Duff concert............she is on my top ten list of most awesomest singers/band.
Well I got to go right now......so keep those comments coming and I'll keep the posts coming.
(Fair trade???) I think so.
Well bye